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Airplane Travel - QUICK TIPS & TRICKS!
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Airplane Travel - QUICK TIPS & TRICKS!

We hope these air travel tips help you on your next domestic or international flight! Once you find your travel routine, the art of quality travel becomes more of a joy than a stress and you can start to relax and enjoy the travel experience more with friends and family.

1. Select the seat that puts you most at ease. If you love the window seat, get the window seat. Especially for flights over 4 hours long it may be worth paying the extra $30 - $50 to select your seat prior because your increased comfort may be worth it depending on your budget.

2. If traveling alone, get some great noise canceling bluetooth earbuds or headphones that you love and are easy on/off.  - There are hundreds of noises on planes and in airports that you likely will prefer not to have to listen to. Having easy access to your favorite in-air playlist could really step up your comfort level.

3. Have your favorite snack ready for easy access in a side pouch of your backpack or carry-on.   Otherwise you are relying on the airline provided complementary snacks and they don’t always offer them as we all know.



4. Don’t forget to talk to a stranger if feeling up for it.  You never know who you may meet on a flight or in the airport. Maybe just don’t close yourself off completely because you could make a new friend or business partner and that could lead to something great.


5. Be kind to flight attendants. They are working hard to keep you comfortable and happy during the flight. They are on your side and they have a tough, tough job. Especially after Covid times, they had alot to deal with on flights around the world and just a thank you and a friendly smile could go a long way.


6. Download your specific airlines app a week prior to your trip. Check in early on the app. Many airlines now have live text notifications for your trip and this is just an easy way to access your boarding pass so you always have it on you directly through your phone app.


7. Consider traveling with easy slip on shoes that don’t need to be tied/untied. At this point we all still often need to take our shoes off to go through security. This is a small thing, but it may just improve your mood knowing that you don’t have to bend over to tie/untie your shoes in the security lines.


8. Compartment packing is great ! -  have an assortment of toiletry bags/ smaller zip close bags that easily fit within your backpack or carry-on. You hear it online often, but compartment packing will really save you searching time when going from place to place instead of just shoving everything in one open black hole space within your bag.



9. Don’t forget your Sloodie ! Simply tie it around your neck when heading out the door to your Uber/Lyft or just toss it in your throw bag and tie that to the outside of your pack.


 Air travel can be difficult at times, but with these tips hopefully you start to find your routine and feel more at ease while traveling on airplanes! Remember that your stress levels correlate with your comfort and preparation beforehand. 


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